OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/80 sec at f13; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN今日から新しいフカフカのロクハンに衣替えしたんだけど、なんだか寒く感じる。。。(笑)
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/800 sec at f2.8; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN今日は久々に鼻先付近に大量のキビナゴがたまっていた。
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN最初はいつものようにTG-3の顕微鏡モードでフトヤギの仲間に着くヨコエビの仲間(体長1-2mm)を撮っていたのだが、急に辺りが暗くなるのに気づき、ふと上層を見上げると視界がキビナゴの群れで埋まっていた。。。(・・;
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x4; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPANそんな中で今日もワレカラの上半身ドアップを撮影。
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x8; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x8; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope x8; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPANただ、超解像ズームで撮った写真から初めて知ったことがある。。。
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN昨日まで潜っていたNさん御一行様が午後の便で帰るので、その前に午前中1人で海へ。。。
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/320 sec at f2.8; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/640 sec at f2.8; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/60 sec at f2.8; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/60 sec at f2.8; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 100; Yakushima Island, Kagoshima, JAPAN
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Microscope Modes-Microscope; 1/100 sec at f14; ISO 200;今日、一番ハマったのは、ショウガサンゴのポリプだ。
OLYMPUS TG-3; PT-056; without external strobes and conversion Lens; Scene Modes-Under Water Wide1; 1/80 sec at f2.8; ISO 200;ゴマモンガラがバリバリ音を立てながらお食事中だった。